Wednesday 22 April 2015

Autumn in Harrietville

There is nothing like the colour of Autumn in North East, Victoria. The trees are not only yellow but vibrant oranges and deep reds and burgundies as well. It must be the cool nights as the days are still mild and sunny. I know people travel from far and wide to view the trees in Bright during the Autumn Festival but they need to drive just that little bit further along the road to Harrietville where the colours are so spectacular.

Stephen has been out fishing each day with lots of success catching numerous fish each time. He actually bought one home yesterday to smoke. This morning he came home grinning like the proverbial Cheshire Cat as he had bagged his personal best. A 54cm brown trout. We are never going to hear the end of this!!!

He gave it a pat, took a photo and sent it on it's way.