Saturday 29 October 2016

......and the www stands for Wild, Wet and Windy. It was very squally and it rained quite hard all night and we woke to greyer skies than yesterday. We set off to find the underground craft market. It was a nice little market held in an underground car park on the wharf area of the city. We enjoyed a crepe for breakfast and a look around before heading into the central city area to catch the cable car up the hill. The ride up (or down) is only quite short but the views at the top are lovely. They would be magical on a sunny day. We browsed the cable car museum and watched a short film about all the private cable cars in Wellington. The wealthier citizens of Wellington build towards the top of the hillside (or on top of the hill) and put in their very own small cable cars at enormous cost. It was amazing.

The rain had set in again by then so we decided to have lunch in a cafe at the top of the line before catching the cable car back down. We managed to dodge the showers and wound our way back down and along to the wharf to Te Papa and our hotel.

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