Friday 30 December 2016

Adelaide to Mildura

The Bay Sheffield crew. This photo was taken in Glenelg
before dropping Lach and Cal at Adelaide Airport
Yesterday we drove from Adelaide through the Barossa Valley and Riverland across the border to Mildura. We stopped for lunch at Maggie Beer's Farm Gate. I had one of her pates with homemade bread. Yum!!! The drive is not a hard one as the roads are very good. The environment is hot, dry and fairly flat. The mighty Murray winds its way through the Riverland all the way to Mildura. The orange groves in and around Mildura have been replaced by vines which seem to go on and on forever. We passed signs to many of the famous vineyards such as Lindemans and St. Anne's. We finally arrived at the Grand Hotel. After a short rest we had dinner at Stefano's and it certainly did not disappoint. There were 5 courses. There are no menus - you are simply served what has been prepared for the day, which is based on seasonal produce. We enjoyed all 5 courses but my favourite was the fettuccine with duck livers.

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